Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mead - Christmas day

Served with brie, a baguette, and a wood stove in the background

Okay, let me preface this by saying that this mead is nothing like the one I made last year. As it is my only other point of reference on mead, comparisons follow...

My first mead was like a dry white with floral notes but no grape flavor, light body and mouth feel, hints of tannin to keep it crisp. Very light in color, best served chilled.

When I uncorked this one (at room temp) I knew this was an entirely different beast.

The color was not that of straw but rather gold.
The aroma was floral, but had a depth I can't put my finger on.
The mouth feel was round and full, like a port
There was a sweetness to it that reminds you from whence it came.
The first taste... well, I didn't say anything for a minute or two...

I'd given this bottle to my mother for Christmas, as she'd loved my last mead, and I didn't want to influence her first sip by commenting on all the things racing through my head. She took a sip and paused. "Wow."

So yeah... I was a little blown away by this mead. It has me contacting every apiarist I know, or anyone I can think of who may know one, and offering to barter some of this elixir in the future for honey today. Seriously.

I love Port, like buy-a-bottle-of-'77-on-my-birthday-to-celebrate kind of love, but this has me thinking of cheating on Port. Port won't mind; It'll still be there when I come home disshevled and reeking of flowers, asking how my day was.

Port's good like that.


This Mead is like the pin-up girl Port wants to be, but which her lowly grape origins keep her from becoming.


Mirthwright said...

I assume by "this mead" you mean our mead?

q.robur said...

Yup. The vanilla wildflower mead.