This week's entry hails from Maine, also known as Vacationland. At least, to some. It's a product of Gritty McDuff's, a microbrewery/brewpub with several locations in Maine. I've been to their Freeport location, and was asked by a young man in the parking lot if I was having a "Gritty good time." This young man then invited me to a party with a bunch of college kids I'd never met. It could be one of my great regrets in life that I did not go, but I think I'll manage to be okay.
Anyway, on to the beer. It's a summer ale, so the packie I bought it at must have had it lying around for quite a while, but even so it tasted good. The color is the Maine summer sun, golden and bright. Its head is light and quick to disperse, which is unexpected because of the additional conditioning the brewers give the product, but it's not a type that demands a thick foamy head and one would not go well with the beer. It's a clean, easy-drinking ale, which might even pass for a lager.
The malt flavors are subtly complex, and the touch of wheat malt included in the brew makes a difference adding that complexity. Hop character is not memorable, to my palate, but I enjoy a heavily-hopped brew. It's not absent, but it's nothing special for the hopheads out there. In keeping with the style of Summer Ale, (which if it isn't an official BJCP style, I think it should be) this beer is mild and easy to drink, but with some richness of character. I could certainly envision enjoying a six-pack on a hot midsummer day with a fly rod in my general vicinity so I could excuse the lazy afternoon as fishing.
My research indicates that Gritty's uses isinglass as a finings agent in all their brews, so this one is not for the vegans out there.
This beer, were it a movie, would be Spaceballs. Nobody's going to tell you it's their favorite and no professional critic would readily admit to liking it, but every time it's on, you'll watch it and laugh. Any time this beer were around, I'd have one, and I'd enjoy it. My name is Joe.
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