Sunday, January 17, 2010

Smuttynose Star Island Single

This week's six pack was the Smuttynose Brewing Company's Star Island Single. It's a straw-colored abbey-style ale with a surprisingly refreshing flavor. I'm generally a dark beer kind of guy but this is one I would buy again.

There's not a strong aroma or a thick foamy head, but the faint aroma is tantalizing and promises the flavor not promised by the relatively pale color. The brewers describe it as a session ale brewed with spice, and although I didn't detect much spice flavor, there was a refreshing mix of fruity flavors and pale malts. Hop character was barely present, but was also not called for in this style of ale.

The brewers advertise the ale as "eminently sessionable" and although at 5.3% ABV it's a bit on the high side for sessioning, it doesn't feel that strong when you drink it, and I could readily see going through a six-pack over the course of a football game. It does have the requisite light mouthfeel and clean finish that to me define a session beer, and it doesn't sit heavily in the stomach like some darker ales. It went well with everything I ate with it over the course of the week, from pizza to leftover chili. I didn't pair it with a pasta and wouldn't imagine it being the ideal partner for one. I think its ideal dance partner is probably pizza or nachos, or some other type of salty snack food.

I'm going to give it a B+, and reiterate that it's one I would buy again. My name is Joe.

Next up: Well I'll edit when I decide.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dead Reckoning Porter

The Troegs Brewing Company's Dead Reckoning Porter Six pack was a pleasant surprise. I'm a man who enjoys a porter, and it's rare to find one that's really true to the style, earthy, smoky, and strong-flavored. It weighs in at about 5.7% ABV.

Served at room temperature, it has a thick and dark whitish brown head, which is much less present when served refrigerated, looking more like your typical porter and less like your typical stout at cool temperatures. Either way, the head has some of the smoky flavor in it, and really opens up the beer.

As soon as you open the bottle, the aroma hits you, and it's a delightful aroma indeed. It blossoms when poured into a glass, smelling like a porter should. It's a fine snack after a long hard day at any sort of work you might do. Its best accompaniment this week was a chili, although it does stand alone and would do well with a burger or something equally hearty.

Overall, it's a solid first entry for this project. I'd give it a B. My name is Joe.

Next up: Smuttynose Brewing Company Star Island Single.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So this is a beer review blog, and there's not lots of beer being reviewed these days.

My goal then is to review a beer a week. Every Sunday I'll go buy a six pack of something I've never had before, and drink it over the course of the week, and post a review on the following Sunday. I encourage my fellow bloggers to do the same.

First up: Troegs Brewing Company - Dead Reckoning Porter

This is a seasonal brew which is currently out of season, but was available at my local liquor store, so I grabbed it.